Farewell 2020 playlist… (6)66 songs from a hellish year

Farewell 2020. You were the most detested of years. Sometimes I felt like you were a bullied child that I wanted to protect. “You’re just a random arbitrary block of subjective time, none of this is your fault!!” 

Yes, a lot of bad things happened in 2020, but so did a few good things. And a lot of really good music was made and released. Unlike the movie business, the music scene can’t just put everything on hold. Artists went ahead and released records in isolation, without the ability to tour or play live to promote them. With more free time on our hands, music reached more ears. I felt like I discovered many more new treasures than I had in ages.

Here’s my favourite music of the last 12 months. (6)66 songs from a hellish year. Happy to have some friends both old and new on this list. As in any year, music is community.


Interview on the Toronto Mike’d Podcast


Just in time for the #Holidays… Toronto music map poster prints!