Cold Wave: musicians on climate change in the Arctic (Musicworks issue 139)

Good timing with the recent wrap of COP26 and long-overdue major media attention on the climate crisis. This piece I wrote for Musicworks Magazine for their climate issue (#139 of the long-running experimental sound journal) this past spring is now up online. Profiles of four circumpolar artists who are bearing witness to climate change in the Arctic in their work: Paul Walde (Victoria, B.C.), Matthew Burtner (Alaska; pictured above), Jana Winderen and Terje Isungset (both Norway). A pleasure to combine two of my passions in this piece.

On a related note, I recently joined the Board of Music Declares Emergency Canada - working alongside some great people to find ways for Canadian musicians and our music industry to combat the climate crisis!

Read the Musicworks piece here.


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